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The Real Ghost Stories

The Tunnels 

Uncanny Thought 

This is more of a question than a story. I have seen first hand how much power there is in twin connections

My father's mom was one of a set of identical twins, and she told us a lot of instances where they were hundreds of kilometres apart, but they always knew when things were not right with their twin

When I was a girl I was a mirror image of them. My aunt's twins were also identical, but they were only 3 months old when one died in surgery after they realized that he had seven defects in his heart

The moment he died his brother started screaming

Tim picked up on him this past Sunday. My twins are NOT identical, yet they are a rarity among twins

The entire pregnancy, they were exactly a week apart

The night they were born, T was 29 weeks and H was 30 weeks

And even they have a connection that defies logic

When T ended up in the coma when they were 15 months old, H went hysterical

In addition, unbelievably, T has always had wonderfully curly hair, and H's hair was straight, but that night, H's hair started to curl. Now, we have noticed, as they grow up, T picks up on the spiritual inhabitants in the house

Since he could talk he'd tell a friend to come into the room when I was dressing or changing them (this is Charlie, he always had an affinity with children) and he sees Kiddo every so often

H has never shown any such ability, that I can recall

However, in the past few months he has come up to me three times and said "mammie, die huis was in die vuur ne?" Translated, that means, "Mommy, the house was on fire, right?" Tim cannot even tell me for sure if he is picking up on how Kiddo died, or if this might be something else altogether

Particularly given that Kiddo is extremely shy, and has only trusted Tim to see what he looked like when he died

Tim agrees that the little guy would not intentionally scare my boys. Any thoughts? 
